A Fun Summer Starts With a Clean Pool
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 Imagine PoolsOther FiberglassVinyl Liner PoolsGunite Pools
Imagine Pools
Lifetime Structural Warranty. No less than 35 years
Other Fiberglass Pools
Lifetime Structural Warranty based on State definition of lifetime or prorated warranty
Vinyl Liner Pools
Liner seams only
Gunite Pools
Dependent on contractor - usually no more than 5 years
Osmosis Warranty
Imagine Pools
Lifetime Osmosis warranty in writing
Other Fiberglass Pools
Not available
Vinyl Liner Pools
Not available
Gunite Pools
Not available
Install Time
Imagine Pools
3 day install time
Other Fiberglass Pools
3 day install time
Vinyl Liner Pools
7 to 10 day install time
Gunite Pools
3 to 6 weeks install time
Structural Integrity
Imagine Pools
17x stronger than Gunite
Other Fiberglass Pools
17x stronger than Gunite
Vinyl Liner Pools
Possible tears and wrinkles. Steel panels can corrode over time.
Gunite Pools
Possible cracking and staining of plaster
Imagine Pools
Made with full vinyl ester resin for 100% waterproofing of each layer. Close beam constrution and boxing of all 90 degree angles. Centurion Core for additional strength.
Other Fiberglass Pools
Made with polyester resins and one coat of Vinylester resin only backside is waterproofed
Vinyl Liner Pools
Built on site dependent on installer and quality of vinyl kit
Gunite Pools
Built on site dependent on installer quality of work
Quality Control
Imagine Pools
Manufactured in controlled environment with highest quality control
Other Fiberglass Pools
Manufactured in controlled environment
Vinyl Liner Pools
Built on site dependent on installer and aulity of vinyl kit used
Gunite Pools
Build on site, no additional control measures taken
Surface Finish
Imagine Pools
Highest quality gelcoat, climate controlled to keep integrity
Other Fiberglass Pools
Domestic Gel-coats
Vinyl Liner Pools
Vinyl liner, prone to tears, very slippery, algae forms easily
Gunite Pools
Plaster finish, rough with very high maintenance, prone to stains
Imagine Pools
Other Fiberglass Pools
Vinyl Liner Pools
Liner replacment every 5-7 years; $3000 - $5000
Gunite Pools
Resurface every 8-10 years; $7000 - $10,000
Chemical Usage
Imagine Pools
Uses less than other types of inground pools
Other Fiberglass Pools
Uses less than other types of inground pools
Vinyl Liner Pools
Fewer than Gunite but substantially more than fiberglass
Gunite Pools
High chemical use needed
Maintenance Time
Imagine Pools
Less than 20min/week
Other Fiberglass Pools
Less than 20min/week
Vinyl Liner Pools
1-2 hours per week
Gunite Pools
3-4 hours per week
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